DMAA Portfolio Refurbishment 02

Refurbishment // Preview Teaser

Being on site - experiencing existing buildings

Building in existing buildings means building in time. While new construction creates the future, building in the existing building stock inevitably generates a dialogue with history. A discourse arises with ideas, with historical ideas, with the phenomena of ageing and the traces that people have left on the built environment. This also changes our view of the future and the temporality of our own buildings.

This is where DMAA's understanding of architecture and its design methodology comes into play in a special way. In the aspiration to permeate a place, its existing buildings, but also its breath, a new form of genius locii, in as many layers as possible, direct contact and the physical experience of architecture represent a central starting point and benchmark for the design process.

With the aim of getting to the bottom of things and experiences, DMAA pursues building in existing buildings as

a dialogue on many levels. The approach to materials and substance is based on the demand for a sustainable use of resources.

At the same time, existing building fabric is also a carrier of historical ideas and technical solutions. Uncovering structural and constructive intelligence and utilising it anew offers the opportunity to continue or scale qualities according to current needs. The concept of "building on" is given a contemporary extension here.

Ultimately, conversion also means a complex form of intellectual dialogue. Existing buildings become partners in the design process. In this way, DMAA goes beyond the old dogmas of legibility and contrasting old and new and, by daring to pursue untried solutions, moves towards building within the existing building stock, which makes the existing building stock the basis of something new, of added value and a comprehensive concept of quality, which ultimately means the cancellation of these distinctions.

Kellogg's Silo
Bremen, Germany

„Überseestadt” is one of Europe’s largest urban development projects with 300 ha and an outstanding port regeneration.

A characteristic feature of this quarter are the existing silos and the former Reishalle. The conversion of the silos into a hotel and the Reishalle into a market enables a unique experience on the Weser banks.

414 Bremen Kelloggs dm vis 001b
414 Bremen Kelloggs dm vis 002b
414 Bremen Kelloggs dm vis 002a
414 Bremen Kelloggs dm vis 003a
414 Bremen Kelloggs dm vis 003b
414 Kelloggs Bremen 2104 L1080197 AM
414 Kelloggs Bremen 2111 3138

Nov 2021

414 Bremen Kelloggs dm plan schematic floor plan silo

Schematic floor plan

Expo Cultural Park
Greenhouse Garden, China

As an important symbol for the whole area, the Steel Workshop plays a vital role in combination with the new elements: it sets the tone and metric for the exhibition halls to be developed.
The geometries grow organically in between and around the strict existing grid, performing a vivid and natural silhouette that respects and never touches the remaining framework.
The multiple curvatures generated by the reaction from the Organic towards the Orthogonal and Static principles, provide a sinuous envelope that has all to do with nature.

Construction Site
May 2023

420 dmaa plan site plan b
420 Expo Cultural Park Greenhouse Garden SD2 bird eye view
420 DMAA Expo Cultural Park Greenhouse Garden construction site 2303 0268
420 Expo Cultural Park Greenhouse Garden SD2 Desert Pavillion
420 Expo Cultural Park Greenhouse Garden SD2 Ciruclation
420 Expo Cultural Park Greenhouse Garden SD2 Roof Terrace
420 Expo Cultural Park Greenhouse Garden SD2 Cloud Pavillion 02

Althan Quartier
Vienna, Austria

The existing Althan Quartier, designed by Karl Schwanzer

Concept sketch

Franz-Josefs-Bahnhof was opened in its current, familiar form in 1978 and can look back over a richly varying history of use. Efforts that have been made in recent years to lend the location a contemporary character related to the question how the existing buildings can be remodelled with a wide range of new requirements while perfectly integrated into the urban context.

The reasons for retaining this existing built substance are not only ecological but also include the spatial quality and flexibility of this modular structure, which is imbued with the spirit of modernism.

411 AQ Baudoku Francis 6 B47 10
411 AQ Baudoku Francis 6 B47 8
411 AQ Baudoku Francis 6 B47 39
411 AQ 609

© 6B47

411 AQ Baudoku Francis 6 B47 88

Baden State Theatre
Karlsruhe, Germany

„Badisches Staatstheater Karlsruhe“ is one of the most successful opera and theatre halls in Germany.

The existing building is extended in three development axes. Thus, a building is created, which is well connected to its urban surroundings, openly presents its various functions and establishes a clearly defined free space.

The whole ensemble is held together by a prominent roof structure, which overflows into façade areas of diversified height and creates a strong urban visual appearance suitable for a cultural institution of such importance.

314 Staatstheater Karlsruhe 2306 4650
314 Staatstheater Karlsruhe construction site 2009 010
314 Staatstheater Karlsruhe BAST Sanierung 14 10 21 AKO 0099

© Arno Kohlem

314 Staatstheater Karlsruhe BAST Sanierung 08 07 22 AKO 042

© Arno Kohlem


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